Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Insane office again...

Hellooo People.... this blog is coming back alive! I had to leave 9213(where myname?, Rancidspeak, Crimson Warrior and I was posting this blog earlier) and joined another company 31. We never knew that we all will be working together again!!!

Yes, all of us are again working together again! A friend of ours called us all to join the company he was working for and the offer was indeed good for us all to agree and join up. So we all did. What we did not expect was the amount of insanity at this place as well... and this explains why this blog has come back live. Rancid speak has already written about that today. Today's insanity is about salary. Its actually not a news that we knew only today, but I finally decided to write about it today. We aren't paid for this month yet. Well, that's not the insane part. Its about the concerned team which does not seem to be courteous. Well, Its not new that in small companies salaries and other expenses always depends on incoming revenue. And sometimes its natural that some deals doesn't come in time and salary will be delayed. This is absolutely normal. But what I expect is at least an email communication on the day prior to the salary day stating that salary will be delayed due to so-and-so reason and might take another week or 10 days.
That would have at least got the employees prepared for the delay. At least 3 out of 10 employees would have done something to survive this month. But nothing like that happened. If I call the finance guys and ask when the salary would be credited, "I'll let you know" is the answer but till now I don't know. And the funniest part is that the finance guy does not even seem to be concerned about it. With a very cool voice he says "Don't worry its not going to come tomorrow". Well then when??? If its not going to come tomorrow, its OK man.. at least don't sound irresponsible.

Well after all this I still hope that it will all change very soon(as long as I can survive till then).


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