Get Back to work...
Hi Guys, How are you people? Hope things are fine with atleast you guys. I just got another inspiration to add a number to this blog. As you all know I'm a hard Worker. I work the B#$%^ out of my A$$. Not only me everyone in the team are doing something most productive for which we are paid, 'We are all on Calls'. I think it just takes a open Eye to see that everyone are on call and not dancing or fooling around. But still we have some one in the team call Tanya who just cannot see that. Her favorite little words are, "Guys there are 5 calls in the Queue". I go mad when I here that. Am I dancing or f$%^#$% around??? Am I not working?? Not Only me the entire team will be caught up with calls but still I don't understand what shuts her eyes from seeing it.
Let GOD make her understand that we guys are really working and not just walking in and out. Tanya has no better job than walking in and out or sending messages on sametime. But we are not like that. When we are damn busy with the calls where we don't even have tine to go to lunch at the right time, she comes up with S&!#. On top of al that she will invite us all on conference in sametime and expect us to reply immediately. "Cant You see that I'm on call?" I seriously want to fix this up straight. Just waiting for some things to come in handy so that my a$$ will not burn.
kinda bugs me also to know that we are all on calls....busy and it seems to tanya that we are all dancing and making jokes!!!! in this case, not even GOD can make her understand...what say you, we all start dancing around one day???
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